At the Castle street end of Rose Street, you will find a beautiful salon called Opatra. With its stylish tiled floors and sparkling wallpaper, it’s a little haven of luxury. The walls are stacked with some of the best skin care on the market, products you cannot find easily on the high street.  The staff are welcoming and eager to share their knowledge and passion. They will happily sit you down, analyse your skin, discuss your concerns, and let you try a number of products to suit you best.

The latest revolutionary skincare breakthrough from Opatra is the DermiSonic device. DERMISONIC, is an anti-ageing and skin repairing device based on galvanic, ultrasonic treatment, massage & LED light therapy. You can try this device in store with a special mi Edinburgh discounted express facial for only £15 for 30 minutes or £25 for 2 facials. Plus, during our Opatra Spotlight, you can enter our competition to win one of these devices for yourself, a £495 value!